Solar energy has entered the mainstream world as the cheapest energy source, leaving people wondering how solar PV panels are so inexpensive and efficient simultaneously. As the most efficient, clean, and green energy source, answering questions involving solar panel material or the materials used in solar panels and how solar power works are equally important.

The materials used for manufacturing solar cells for panels are only a part of the solar panel itself. The manufacturing process combines several components to create a highly efficient solar panel. These include solar cells made of silicon, a metallic frame, a glass sheet, a standardized 12V wire and a bus wire. If you are curious about solar panel material, here is everything you need to know.
Material used for making solar cells
Solar Cells Made of Silicon
Silicon solar cells convert the sun’s energy into electricity utilizing the photovoltaic effect. These silicon cells are made when soldered together in a matrix-like structure between the panels made of glass. These interact with the thin glass wafer sheet and create electricity.
Aluminum Metal Frame
A solar panel’s metal frame is an important solar panel material useful for a variety of reasons. This includes protection against harsh weather conditions and helping mount the solar panels at the desired angle.
Glass Sheet
The glass casing sheet is generally 6-7 millimeters in thickness, and even though it is thin, it plays a huge role in protecting the solar cells inside. In addition to solar cells, a standard solar PV panel comprises a glass casing at the front to add protection and durability to the silicon photovoltaic panel.
Underneath this exterior made of glass, the panel has a casing for insulation and a back sheet for protection. This helps limit the heat dissipation and humidity level inside the panel. This type of insulation is typically important because there is a temperature rise, ultimately leading to a decrease in efficiency, resulting in a reduced output of the solar panels.
A Standard 12V Wire
The standard 12V wire helps regulate the amount of energy transferred to the inverter, aiding with the efficiency and sustainability of the solar module.
Bus Wires
A bus wire is used to connect these silicon solar cells in a parallel fashion. Bus wires are easily covered in a thin solder layer for soldering and are thick enough to carry electric current. One of the most significant components of a solar panel is solar cells. Let us understand the material used for making solar cells in more detail to get a better idea of solar panel material.
Stage 1: Purification of Silicon
In this stage, the silicon dioxide is placed in an electric ace furnace. A carbon arc is then applied to release oxygen. At a specific time, the silicon will be deemed pure, and the impure part will be removed.
Stage 2: Carving Single Crystal Silicon
Solar cells are made of silicon boules. This is a polycrystalline structure with an atomic structure of a single crystal.
Stage 3: Silicon Wafers
Silicon wafers from the boule are individually sliced with the help of a circular saw, wherein the inner diameter cuts into the rod.
Stage 4: Doping
The latest form of doping (also referred to as the addition of impurities to silicon wafers), silicon with phosphorous, involves a small particle accelerator which helps shoot the phosphorous ions into an ingot.
Stage 5: Placement of Electrical Contacts
Electrical contacts are used to connect one solar cell to another and the receiver of the current produced.
Stage 6: An Anti-Reflective Coating
Purified silicon has a natural shine, allowing it to reflect up to 35 per cent of the sunlight that reaches it. An anti-reflective coating is put onto a silicon wafer to reduce the amount of sunlight lost.
Stage 7: Cell Encapsulation
Now, the fully made solar cells are encapsulated, which means they are sealed into ethylenevinyl acetate or silicon rubber.
At Luminous, you can find solar solutions made of high-quality solar panel material, designed to maximize your savings while running everything smoothly and efficiently.
Invest smart, invest in solar energy solutions by Luminous today!
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