The solar power industry has come a long way in the past few years. The latest breakthroughs and developments in solar include solar cells that last longer, solar cells that can be printed on flexible surfaces and solar power plants that operate with equal efficiency during the night time. One of the biggest breakthroughs in solar has been solar cell efficiency. Today, solar technology has achieved a commendable 31.6 per cent rate of conversion from solar power to electricity.
The solar power industry is fast-moving with a better and vast application of solar energy. It’s growth and advancement requires constant updates on the most recent developments in science. Even though solar cells have become more efficient today, solar power is yet to reach its fullest potential. Some of the recent advances in solar energy for improved efficiency are as follows:
- Floatovoltaics
Solar intermittency has proven to be an obstacle to the further development of solar efficiency. Overcast skies, and a limited amount of sunshine, reduce the amount of energy that can be generated by the panel. The other barriers to satisfactory adoption of solar energy, especially in low-income municipalities also include the lack of arable land. Floatovoltaics in this case, have proven to be highly efficient, allowing for the better application of solar energy.
- Solar Shingles
Solar shingles are roof titles comprising solar panels. These work their way through the electrical system of the entire house and eradicate the need for solar installations on the roof, allowing for an improvised application of solar energy with better results. This offers an advantage over the traditional types of solar panels as these solar shingles are not only efficient but also aesthetically appealing, making solar installations less intrusive.
This can prove to be advantageous in certain circumstances, but not all solar cells must be hidden from the public view. Say, for example, solar panels that are made more visible to the public will only make more people aware of solar power and encourage them to go for solar installations in their own homes.
- Solar Windows
A solar window is a type of solar cell that also acts like transparent glass. This makes the production of energy less intrusive by way of advanced application of solar energy in a more pleasing way.

- Concentrated PV Cells
IBM researchers have discovered a way to make concentrated PV cells more efficient in converting solar energy into electrical power and making the application of solar energy easier. It has come forth that it is possible to increase the concentration of light on PV cells by about 10 times, without leading them to melt.
The two main types of solar energy include concentrating solar thermal power and photovoltaics. Concentrated PV cells help boost the amount of usable electricity by up to five times. The working principle behind concentrated PV cells is that they use a large lens that helps focus light on a relatively small piece of photovoltaic semiconductor material. It also helps reduce cost as only a small fraction of semiconductor material is used.
Upward Trajectory of Solar Panels in Residential Areas
Solar energy has not only become a source of energy and power generation for industries but also for residential neighbourhoods. Within residential neighbourhoods, solar windows are being increasingly adapted along with homeowners utilizing solar panels complementary to the design of their houses.
Advancements in solar allow for solar panels to become more efficient while being able to extract more of the sun’s rays to generate a greater amount of energy with the better application of solar energy. As time moves forward, several communities are enacting upon the solar power sector for consistency in growth.
Additionally, due to the increased influx of solar energy during the past few years, several solar energy companies are also continually designing and building highly efficient solar panels that help with the conservation of energy.
Transparent Solar Cells
Presently, silicon is the most widely used material in solar technology. However, having non-transparent windows is often difficult in a residential design. Regardless of the size, windows can be considered a way for sunlight to enter. This is vital because transparent solar cells resembling sunglasses or car windows have the potential to replace conventional solar cells.
- Squeezing More Out of Sunlight
Undoubtedly, the sun is the greatest source of sustainable energy. The advancements must focus on the installation of PV panels that track the sun and its energy to avoid annual tilt losses and further add up to higher efficiency.
Another common question that comes to mind is how solar energy is better than thermal power. Solar power is a renewable energy source as it can be used to generate electricity for as long as the sun shines bright and, in some cases, even after that. Thermal power, on the other hand, is a non-renewable source of energy and comes with limited usage. Also, solar energy is a clean source and replaces fossil fuels very efficiently.
As the prices of solar energy continue to fall, solar energy is becoming a highly economical choice for both businesses and homeowners. However, even today the biggest obstacle to cost-effective solar energy remains the soft costs like hooking, zoning, and permitting a solar energy system up to the electricity grid.
Luminous offers advanced solar technology inclusive of solar panels, solar inverters, and other high-tech solar technology, entrusted for decades and at a cost-effective price. Explore our website today and invest in the best of solar technology, today!
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